Local volunteering initiatives were organised in each partner country. The aim of these events was to encourage local volunteering initiatives and assist them by providing methodological and administrative support. Partners were free to choose the topics and methods regarding there local needs and capacities of their organisations.

All implemented iniatitives differ and are very interesting and valuable. And may serve as good practice examples for other organisations interested in promotion of volunteering. Bellow are the links were you can find descriptions of each iniatitive. 


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Mūsų adresas:
A. Mickevičiaus g. 37-104,
Kaunas, Lietuva, LT-44244
Darbo valandos:
Pirmadienis - Ketvirtadienis 8:00-17:00
Penktadienis 8:00-15:45
Šeštadienis - Sekmadienis Nedirbame