Preparatory Visit minutes

Preparatory Visit was organized on 6th March, 2015 in Municipal Training Center at Kaunas University of Technology.

The aim of Preparatory visit was:

  • agree principles, learning processes, methodologies, work plan and communication strategy;
  • present ideas regarding partners work on volunteering and local context;
  • identify learning needs for active citizenship and volunteering in each participating country;
  • identify criteria of potential participants of events.

Preparatory Visit minutes >>>

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Наш адрес:
ул. А. Мицкевичиаус 37-104,
г. Каунас, LT-44244, Литва
Рабочее время:
Понедельник - Четверг 8:00-17:00
Пятница 8:00-15:45
Суббота - Воскресенье Закрыто

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